The education hub of India and one of the largest and most populated cities in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Indore is also known as the Detroit of Madhya Pradesh thanks to its rapid development and commercialization. However, this has led to increased electricity demand and inflated electricity bills for citizens. Additionally, residents are facing difficulties with scheduled and unscheduled power cuts on hot summer days. This is where solar energy can save the day. In addition to uninterrupted power, solar energy cuts down your electricity bill dramatically.
Why Set up Solar Panels in Indore?
Going solar will drastically reduce your electric bill, to the point that it is no longer a major part of your budget. The amount of money you save with solar is determined by a number of factors, including the amount of energy your solar plant generates how much you use and the tariff rates you would otherwise pay to your utility. You’ll save even more if energy prices are high in your region because the savings are equivalent to the costs you avoid by transitioning to solar. And, since energy rates are expected to increase in the future, your savings can expand year after year. Rooftop panels are compact, easier to set up, and more cost-effective.
Rise in Solar Panel Installation in Indore
Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed economic and other operations, the Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company has seen a surge in people interested in green energy. Solar energy is becoming more common among Indore residents, which is a commendable initiative. Net metering cases are easily approved by the power utility. Currently, the Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company has installed a total of 25 MW capacity panels on the roofs of customer premises through net metering. In Indore, the number of buildings with solar panels has now surpassed the 850 mark. This amazing response from Indore will encourage other cities of India to also install solar panels.
How to Get Started
The bottom line is that going solar is the best step forward for the Earth as a whole and change begins at home. So switching your home to solar energy is a good idea. Freyr Energy is here to help you make your home solar-powered. With the government offering incentives in many states and setting renewable energy goals for India, there has never been a better time to invest in solar energy. Freyr Energy is empanelled to offer subsidies for rooftop installations on homes in Indore. You might be eligible for a 20-40% subsidy on your rooftop solar system in Indore. So why wait? Make the switch to solar power today.