Haryana is a small agronomic state in India with plenty of sunlight and biomass. A solar power plant in Haryana produces electricity from sunlight using solar panels. With nearly 330 sunny days in a year, Haryana has absolute potential for solar energy production. To get this potential fully functional and in use, correct incentives and policy support from the Government are extremely important.

Haryana Solar Policy Push to Solar
Although solar accounts for a small portion of the state’s total power generation capacity, Haryana ranks among India’s top ten states regarding installed solar capacity. Haryana’s installed solar power capacity has steadily increased over the years. Rooftop solar projects account for a substantial portion of the state’s overall solar capacity, at 68 percent. As of February 2021, the state’s total solar power capacity was 409 MW.
Haryana’s New and Renewable Energy Department (HAREDA) has released the blueprint Haryana Solar Power Policy, 2021, to encourage more people to use solar energy. This initiative has placed a heavy emphasis on rooftop solar projects and small-scale distributed solar, in addition to utility-scale solar projects and parks. Some of the key highlights of the draft policy 2021 include:
1. Solar manufacturing units will have a 10% exemption on the total applicable tax.
2. DISCOMs will pay for extra-high voltage and high voltage transmission lines up to a distance of 10 kilometres.
3. In addition to DISCOM per unit costs, per unit charges for charging electric vehicles will not exceed Rs 5/kWh.
4. All captive solar projects that have already been approved will be exempt from wheeling and transmission charges.
5. The concept of solar towns and solar villages will be promoted by the state. Haryana Solar energy will meet 20% of the energy requirements in solar cities and solar villages.
6. Virtual net metering, including group virtual net metering, could possibly be promoted in urban areas.
Solar Installation in Haryana
These policies would be encouraged, and eligible consumers would be facilitated, especially those located in the urban centres of Haryana having constraints like access to adequate rooftop areas or inaccessible rooftops. Through virtual net metering, consumers can own a portion of a communally owned solar power generation system. In conclusion, Solar modules are best installed on slanting rooftops, especially if the slope is south. Because India is located in the northern hemisphere, rooftop solar systems that face south will receive the maximum sunshine. With our hands-on knowledge and experience in this field, Freyr Energy is the only solar rooftop company that uses technology to improve affordability and accessibility for its customers. Our team not only understands solar but is also enthusiastic about environmental transformation and social impact.
Frequently Asked Questions
Haryana is a small yet large yielder in India’s agriculture sector. With nearly 330 sunny days on average, the state holds great potential for solar energy production, and it makes Haryana solar energy, a great prospect.
As per stats, the cumulative solar power plant in Haryana generates nearly 409 MW as of Feb’ 21. Out of which, 68% are rooftop solar projects.
The primary focus laid by Haryana’s Renewable Energy Department Agency (HAREDA) is to ensure more people adopt solar energy for several lifestyle purposes. Additionally, the focus on rooftop solar projects and the provision of utility-scale solar parks are set to come up. This would boost more people adopting solar panels in Haryana sooner.
A Solar company in Haryana coming under the compliances laid by the state government is assured to get 10% exemption on the total applicable tax on manufacturing.
With virtual net metering in place, consumers can be beneficiaries of a portion of communally owned solar power generation systems. Therefore, this gives them a sense of ownership of the energy generated by solar plant in Haryana in their community.
Installing solar rooftops on slating surfaces allows for comprehensive sunlight exposure, particularly if the slant is facing south. Since India is located in the Northern Hemisphere, the direction of sunlight mostly comes from the south. Therefore, installing a solar panel in Haryana rooftop facing south ensures a productive outcome.
The easiest way you can install a solar panel in Haryana is by reaching out to Freyr Energy. This is a renowned solar company in Haryana with expertise in installing solar panels on thousands of houses across India. The expertise and assistance from Freyr Energy is unmatched.
Haryana solar policy opens up several benefits of switching to solar energy in Haryana, including:
- Virtual net metering to boost savings
- 330 days of sunlight for better generation of solar energy