Ready to add some sunshine to your roof? Know which type of solar structure will make your neighbours green with envy (and not just because they’re environmentally friendly).
In the wake of the 2023 Union Budget Announcement, the Indian government has allocated a whopping Rs 10,222 crore towards the renewable energy sector, with a central focus on solar energy and solar panel set-up. With a 48 percent increase from last year’s allocation, there’s no doubt that “green growth” is a top priority. And what better way to achieve that than by boosting the usage of green fuel, farming, and green energy?
With India set to become the world’s largest solar nation by 2022, it’s no surprise that demand for solar panels is on the rise, leading to lower prices and higher grating rates. But with so many solar structures, how do you decide what’s best solar structure for your home?
In this blog, Freyr Energy will give you a closer look at the top 3 options available, from traditional solar panels to finding the ideal solar structure for your roof.

Top 3 Types of Solar Structures
From regular to elevated and sloping roof solar structures – discover the top solar rooftop structure type and their unique benefits to help you make a sustainable decision for your property.
Regular Solar Panel Structure Design
Regular Structures are cost-effective and efficient.
The regular solar structure is the most common type of installation of solar panels for residential and commercial buildings. This structure involves installing solar panels directly onto the roof of the building using mounting brackets and other hardware.
We shall erect the solar module mounting structure on the rooftop and anchor it to the slab using anchor fasteners of suitable size, drilling them up to 50 mm deep into the slab. We will then fill the holes with concrete bonding chemicals to prevent water seepage and concrete the structure by mixing the appropriate ratio of concrete.
One of the main advantages of a regular solar rooftop structure is that it is cost-effective. It is also efficient, as the panels are installed optimally to receive maximum sunlight. This type of solar structure is flexible and functional on most roof types, including flat and sloping roofs. Additionally, regular solar structures require minimal maintenance and can last up to 25 years.
Elevated Solar Panel Structure
Elevated Solar Structures are the creative solution to your energy needs.
An elevated solar panel structure is a type of solar installation that involves mounting solar panels on a structure above the roof of a building. It creates a shaded area beneath the solar panels for a variety of purposes, such as outdoor seating or storage.
One of the primary advantages of an elevated solar panel structure design is that it provides an additional shaded area that can increase the usable space of a property. This type of solar structure is also creative and can add aesthetic value to your property. Solar elevated structure is standard for commercial buildings or residential properties with larger outdoor spaces.
Sloping Roof Solar Structure
Sloping Roof Solar structures maximize production.
A sloping roof solar structure involves mounting solar panels at an angle on a sloping roof. The angle of the panels is adjusted based on the angle of the roof to ensure maximum exposure to sunlight and maximum energy production.
One of the main advantages of a sloping roof solar structure is that it can maximize the amount of energy by optimizing its position and angle. This type of solar structure is also efficient in terms of space utilization, as it does not require additional ground or roof space.
Anodized Aluminium Triangular Frame/short rails structure with Rivet/SDS fixing arrangement should have a triangular frame made of anodized aluminium and short rails with a fixing arrangement of Rivet/SDS on the short rails.
Solar PV System Mounting Structures
Mounting structures are designed to support solar PV systems and are necessarily built with the roof type in mind. Solar PV systems can be mounted on a flat or sloping roof, metal sheet, asbestos sheet, or an RCC roof. The RCC roof should be at least 0.5M lower-end clearance from the roof level for the solar PV installation.
Base and Parts of Mounting Structures
The base of the solar mounting structure needs to be strong enough to support the entire load of the solar PV system mounting structure, including the solar PV system, balance of systems, and other components.
Direction of Solar systems
The solar systems must be placed in a way that maximizes exposure to sunlight. The best direction to place them is facing the equator. It means in the northern hemisphere. The solar PV systems should face true south. In the southern hemisphere, the solar PV systems should face true north.
Regular, Elevated, and Sloping Solar Structure: Which is Best?
When considering solar panels for your property, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure that your property is suitable for solar installation.
It’s also important to consider the size of different solar systems. The size of your solar system will depend on several factors, including your energy consumption, the size of your property, and the type of solar structure you choose.
As the demand for solar energy increases, so is the competition among bidders in the solar field. In an attempt to keep costs low, some companies compromise on the quality of the solar PV system mounting structures. It results in an unstable or inefficient system.
Whether you choose a regular solar structure, elevated solar structure, or sloping roof solar structure, each type has unique advantages to suit different property types and personal preferences. By carefully considering your options and working with a professional installer, you can enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy for years to come.

Freyr Energy can provide the 360-degree assistance you need.
Freyr Energy offers installation benefits to no roof damage and leakage, especially the capacity withstanding up to 150 km/h wind velocity with rust-free materials.
Connect with Freyr Energy to grab all the benefits before it’s too late. Join us now!
Frequently Asked Questions
A solar panel structure is those important components that assure the complete operation of a solar power system across different applications.
Each solar structure is unique in its own way. However, we recommend a sloping roof solar structure to be the best owing to its ability to tilt and absorb maximum sunlight. With adjustable positions and angles, the slope offers effective results in power generation.
Stainless steel is used across all the solar rooftop structure. These are either hot-dipped galvanised or pre-galvanised cold rolled structures that resist most of the nature and weather conditions.
For getting an optimal result, it is recommended to elevate 8 to 10 feet above the ground and direction facing south. Elevated solar panel structure offers perfect energy outcomes for maximum results.
As per a healthy number of observations, more elevation means more exposure to sunlight. The probability of absorbing direct radiation is at the highest.
The ideal angle of elevation is in a range of 30 to 45 degrees. Although a few other factors come into work, which include your location’s geography and the place of installation, the angle works between 30 to 45 degrees.
A solar panel structure design is done in accordance with the requirements of the user. The PV cells are designed in a matrix form and they are made using semiconductor devices. Based on the requirement, designs of structure, material and storage units are installed.